Re: adsl-modem

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David Fletcher wrote:
At 11:58 30/03/2006, you wrote:

Hi all,
i am trying to configure my adsl-usb modem , in system-config-network it's status is ok, but when i try to connect to network there is this strange message : can not activate network device /sbin/adsl-start : line 214 : 2497 terminated
$ connect  "$@" > /dev/null 2>& 1
it seems that FC5 can not initialize USB ports because when i boot there is another
strange message! saying :
USB 1-1 : [UEAGLE-ATM] requesting firmware ueagle-atm/DSPep.bin failed with error -2
please comment

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It's best to use a modem with an ethernet connection, with a router running NAT int between the modem and your PC(s). The router enhances your security and lets you have a stable internal IP address.

It is also faster from what I have tried.  If you have a slow USB 
device it can slow your USB connection down.

Robin Laing
Instrumentation Technologist   Voice: 1.403.544.4762
Military Engineering Section   FAX:   1.403.544.4704
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