Re: For users with IPW2200

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On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Samuel [iso-8859-1] Díaz García wrote:

Under FC4 I make some wpa_supplicant.conf and make my own wpa_supplicant
init script without many problems.

When I upgraded my laptop, I were surprised that only installing the
livna-rpm for de ipw firmware, the wpa_supplicant package and config
something into /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant and adapt my
/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file to my WPA network were sufficient.

I don't know why needed to use the Network Manager and the complexity
exposed under the link, perhaps is an alternative to make more secure the
I'm not sure what your point is.  NetworkManager is a tool to make it easy 
for laptop users to move from network to network easily.  It finds new 
netowrks, allows you to configure them (including keys), then remembers 
them (in your secure keyring) for when you return.  It also switches 
automatically between wired and wireless interfaces, starts and stops 
network-dependent services and manages VPN connections.  Without it, you 
would need to run system-config-network or reconfigure by hand every time 
you join a network.
If you only ever use one network, you don't need or want NetowrkManager.

I think, that now, in FC5, at least with ipw2200 driver, the live is more
easy to configure the WPA support.

The steps where very simple:
  1) With system-config-network (or elsewhere) configure your IP settings
under wifi interface (without encription).
  2) Say in /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant the interfaces and drivers used
with that interfaces.
  3) Configure your /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file.
  4) Enable your wpa_supplicant service to run at boot:
     chkconfig --levels 345 wpa_supplicant on

Now you only need to do "service wpa_supplicant start|stop|status....."
when you need.


		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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