Re: latest kernels breaks ati-fglrx.spec

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Jack Howarth wrote:
     Has anyone else running the new 2.6.16-1.2069 kernel on
FC4 noticed that it seems to break the ability to build
the kernel modules with...
Hi Jack,

One of the previous mails from Andy Burns explains this:
Alan J. Gagne wrote:

The new kernel has been released and livna has added many packages
that have been waiting on this kernel release. Check out livna again.
If you mean the 2069 kernel, then there is a specific issue with x86_64
I've scraped together a patch that improves building the module, but it still won't install yet

So, it is not solved yet, but a new kernel version was created on route.
Hope this helps.


A.J. Bonnema, Leiden The Netherlands,
user #328198 (Linux Counter

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