Re: easiest way to backup home made DVD

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Anne Wilson wrote:
On Wednesday 29 March 2006 16:34, yonas abraham wrote:

is there an easy was to duplicate 4.7GB, unencrypted home made DVD's easly?

I haven't tried it, but you are right, it's a good idea.  I would have thought 
that disc copy in k3b or xcdroast would manage that without resorting to 
anything exotic.

At present I would not trust the Extras release of k3b for video 
DVD's.  I have had issues and have filed bugs.  I have tried the 
testing version but that still has one issue that I have confirmed on 
two machines.
If I was making multiple copies, I would create an iso image and just 
burn that as many times as needed.  K3B does work for burning iso's.
In a previous thread on making copies this was sent.

dd if=/dev/dvd of=dvdcopy.iso
cdrecord dev=/dev/dvd dvdcopy.iso

No need for mkisofs. If you have 2 dvd drives, you can pipe the output of dd directly to cdrecord.
This works both for data and for e.g. movies (unencrypted!).

Similarly for cds.

This would be the quickest I would believe.

Robin Laing
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