Re: FC5 and WinXP

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CodeHeads wrote:
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On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 16:59:58 -0600
Russell Golden <dragonite.wylie@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Has anyone tested whether Fedora Core 5 and Windows XP can be on the same disk? I know you can't do it with FC4.

Russell Golden

Weird, I have one machine that has dual XP and FC4 and one with FC5 and
Windose 2000. I only run windose for playing UT!! LOL
I agree with that one: same reason, at work the hp compaq nx9000 has to run windows, at home it never does!
This has been the same for FC3/4/5, and on a Toshiba for FC1/FC2.

You could use a ghost like program to backup the complete disk. Then repartition./re-install windows, then install FC5. My 30G disk is configured:
hda1 fat32 /home/c  15G
hda2 ntfs winxp install  5G  (probably a bit small!)
hda3 ext3 /boot 50M
hda5 ext3 / 5G
hda6 swap 1M
hda7 ext3 /home 5G

Works a treat, the install for FC5 went well, no problems (remember to custom select the partitions - you don't want to wipe out your XP install if you need it for something else).

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