Joachim Backes [RHRK] wrote: > I want to use thunderbird as similar as I use the mail command for > composing e-mail in a shell script: > > For example: echo this is a test | thunderbird -compose user@domain. > My problem is that I see no possibility for using more than one recepient: > > Using the format users@domain1,user2@domain2 fails, and the format > "user1@domain1 user2@domain2" fails too. > > Can somebody help? > > Remark: No problems with evolution. > > Regards Using my friend google I found the following tidbit... The -compose command line argument doesn't work correctly in Thunderbird 1.5 due to a parsing bug. It generates the compose message window but none of the fields are filled in. The only workaround is to use a mailto: URL. However, this prevents you from passing an attachment due to a security restriction. thunderbird -compose "mailto:somebody@somewhere?cc=address@provider&subject=hi&body=something"; -- Lisa: Dad, I think that's pretty spurious. Homer: Well, thank you, honey. -- Homer Simpson Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment