Re: VI editor in Gnome Terminal leaves text remnants on scroll

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Around about 28/03/06 11:09, Khoa Ton typed ...
Seems that vim does something with respect to screen redraw that
doesn't work properly with Gnome Terminal 2.14.0, and that
this is masked by the :set ruler feature.  Drawing the ruler
eliminates this remnants on scrolling problem.
  I'm unable to reproduce this with vim 6.4 and my older gnome-terminal, and 
I don't have an FC5 box yet.  It therefore sounds like a gnome-terminal bug, 
esp. since gnome's been doing loads of font rendering optimisations [not that 
these may be relevant].  Esp. as it's OK in an xterm of the same size 
  I recommend raising a report in redhat's bugzilla.

[neil@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[neil@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[neil@fnx ~]# exit

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