antonio montagnani wrote:
I tried to upgrade one of my servers from FC4 to FC5, that is a dual
boot machine with Windows 2000.
I had a set of CD that passed mediacheck on two other machines so I
decided not to carry out a mediacheck on this server.At CD nr.4
upgrade stopped and machine was rebooted.
In the meantime I burnt a new CD that passed mediacheck, so I
re-started upgrading.
But when I re-booted the machine the Fedora entry was missing from my
Grub menu and only Windows 2000 was available!!! I re-started the
installing procedure (it was very fast) and I told to anaconda to
modify grup but again I found only Windows2000 entry.
I managed to mount the system with rescue disk, but how I read and
modify the grub.conf when I am in the shell???
What is happening???
I don't know. Did you get to the end of the installation the second time ?
However, if the grub boot loader is being called at boot you can enter
the details manually.
Hit a key as grub starts (maybe up down arrow)
Press c for command prompt
Next bit really depends on how your PC is configured...enter commands
root (hd0,0)
what does this say ?
kernel /vmli and then hit tab, auto complete should show matching files
names ?
initrd /init and then hit tab, auto complete should show matching file
name ?
While the commands especially the root one will need to be changed for
particular machines, either it'll boot or reply to the list with the
messages shown...