Alexander Dalloz wrote:
Am Do, den 23.03.2006 schrieb Noah um 16:37:
I am having some difficulties upgrading redhat 8.0 to FC1. It appears some
libraries are not being located. one of hte libraries is but I
have tk loaded on the machine. Also I rebooted and it is still claiming to be
a redhat 8.0 machine (see below). Is there another step I need to do? Why
are these libraries not present?
rpm -e ical python2-tkinter apt gq pine
Reinstall programs you need after the successful upgrade.
Anyway, I recommend a fresh install of a non-legacy Fedora Core release
(FC 4 or FC5).
I went from RH 8.0 to FC1 and I spent almost a year finding small
little headaches. Go with a clean install of FC4 or FC5. It is so
much better and I have found faster than FC1 which isn't supported
much anymore.
Robin Laing