Re: lvm over raid confusion

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Jack Tanner wrote:
Paul Howarth <paul <at>> writes:

Can't you boot the rescue CD, do "chroot /mnt/sysimage" and run mkinitrd from there?
Nope, /mnt/sysimage doesn't exist on the rescue CD. As a matter of fact,
mkinitrd doesn't exist on it either (is that a bug?), I had to get that from an
FC4 box.
If you boot the installer CD with "linux rescue" (is that the same as 
the rescue CD?) and let it find the system you want to rescue on your 
hard disk, it'll mount your existing system under /mnt/sysimage and give 
you a shell prompt into which you can do the chroot command, edit 
/etc/modprobe.conf and run mkinitrd. I did this myself on Saturday night 
when an FC5 upgrade fell over at the last moment.

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