this is testing solution but work fine...!
yum --enablerepo=livna-testing --enablerepo=updates-testing install xorg-x11-drv-fglrx
after install configure /etx/X11/xorg.conf and add Driver "fglrx" to load Ati Drivers!
bye luca
2006/3/27, William Case <billlinux@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Quoting from mailing list entry from Livna on Mar 20:
"A note for users of ati-fglrx and nvidia-glx: The drivers currently
don't work with the FC5 release kernel due to a bug in it. A updated
kernel that should fix this issue should be pushed as a regular Fedora
updated soon."
Is it true the fglrx driver doesn't work? Now what do I do?
I am currently downloading (very slowly) by BitTorrent the FC5 .isos.
Regards Bill
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