Re: Any HAM Radio Fedora stuff

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From: "gary" <garys@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

On Sun, 2006-03-26 at 20:25 -0500, Ferguson, Michael wrote:
G'Day All,
Are there any HAMS on this list.
I am quite comfortable with Linux (Red Hat and Suse) and own all paid
versions of Red Hat up to ES4 and Suse ES 9 or 10, not sure.
Tell me, are there any HAM related Open Source software that might
prove befeficial for a newly licensed HAM?
I am also looking for any software that will be configure my new ICOM
If you're looking for pre-packaged open source software, Debian probably has more
packages than anyone. Check out =  .
   -- gary
Ah yes, that list reminded me of something that does not seem to be on the
list. "IRLP" is a tool that has gotten very popular with repeater owners.
It is used to link repeater setups all over the world. It's amusing to sit
here on a UHF repeater in Southern California and talk with "The Mud Duck"
in Oz. The link is via IRLP nodes. The repeater operation is via local
repeaters at each end. And the nodes are purely a Linux operation the last
I knew.


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