Re: Nvidia and Fedora 3-5

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alan wrote:
On Thu, 23 Mar 2006, Steven Pasternak wrote:

Hi! I have been using Fedora since core 1, and since core 3, nvidia has always caused a problem. I always have to jump through hoops to get it to work. How come? On SuSE 9-10 Nvidia has never caused a problem. It doesn't complain that the kernel module can't be built or something weird like that. I was able to get it to work with core 5, but I had to get a new kernel, recompile an rpm, and install a boot-script (found out how on!! What is up with that?
It is a lot easier than that.  (With the exception of core 5, but I 
will get to that.)
First, make sure you have kernel-devel loaded for your current kernel. 
("yum install kernel-devel" should work.) You may also need xorg-sdk 
as well.
Download the nVIDIA driver from
Next, set your default init run level to 3 in /etc/inittab and reboot. 
(The driver will not build if X is running.)
Run "sh" as root. (Yeah, I know, 
but it needs to install modules.)  Answer the questions as you go. 
There is an option that will modify your xconfig for you.
Start X with the "startx" command to test.  Should work.  When you 
know it works, then change /etc/inittab to default to runlevel 5.  (Or 
not, if you prefer having a bit more control over X loading.)
I have not gotten the nvidia drivers working with the latest FC5 
kernel. (I have not tried very hard, to be honest.)  There is a symbol 
that does not get built.  I will have to look on nvidia's forums to 
see if there is a workaround.  (I assume there is.)
Hope that helps.

Again with the exception of FC5, it is even easier than that. Simply add the livna repository to yum (rpm -Uvh and yum install nvidia-glx kernel-module-nvidia-`uname -r` . In FC5, cause of the kernel symbol issue, these packages aren't released yet, but when the kernel is updated, livna will release such packages (though I believe under a different name, so as to be more compliant with Extras naming schemes).

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