Re: Fedora 5 DVD - hangs during dependency check

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Roberto Mason wrote:
I've download Fedora 5 DVD. I've done sha1sum check, all is fine. When I
first ran the install, I had the installation verify the DVD, everything
is fine. When i do either an upgrade or a fresh install, the system
hangs on the dependency check. Thinking that I had a bad burn, I re
burned a DVD, but I got the same result. Anyone else have the same

Hi Robert,

Could you give some more info? F.i. what machine / architecture are you running?
Also, try checking the log from a console (ctrl-alt-f1).
I did that to find that X11 failed in initialising the font, so I did a text install, which worked beautifully..

A.J. Bonnema, Leiden The Netherlands,
user #328198 (Linux Counter

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