Re: FC5 and Dell 2005FPW display

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Serge de Souza wrote:

subscribed-lists wrote:

Serge wrote:

Steven Stern wrote:

Configured FC5 to use my Dell 2005FPW display at 1680x1050. I wind up with the monitor acting like a window on a much larger screen. Moving the mouse to the edges displays everything, but I'm not seeing everything at once.
Has anyone got a working xorg.conf for this monitor?

I tried using "Generic LCD 1680x1050" and any setting that puts the width at 1600 or greater screws up. I wonder if the problem is the Intel graphics controller. The monitor reports being in various modes like 1024x768, despite the setting in xorg.conf.
I have an nvidia card and am using the "nvidia" binary driver. If the "screen resolution" setting did not work I don't really know what you could try next, maybe swap graphics cards to see if that is the problem, maybe your current card cannot handle that resolution, maybe try in 16 bit mode "DefaultDepth 16" in xorg.conf, xdpyinfo may give some extra info on what resolution is running.

The Dell 2405FPW actually requires the video card I mentioned, or a better one. The installation instructions and the website specifications tell you it is needed. (The 30" flat panel needs an even better, more expensive video card.) It works sensationally great on Microsoft Windows XP. I'll probably install Fedora Core 5 late tonight on that machine, format the spare drive, and that will probably get things running again. This time I'll be smart and save my xorg.conf to a backup.
Bob Cochran

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