Re: Atop foobarred - Where did it come from?

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Anne Wilson wrote:
On Thursday 23 March 2006 08:06, Anne Wilson wrote:
For some reason I now get error messages on this box regarding atop.  I
have no idea what went wrong, but it needs fixing.  I tried to find what
provides atop, but all I got back was 'atop-1.15-1.2.fc4.rf'.  How can I
tackle this problem, please?

After visiting the web pages for atop, I wonder whether it actually was part of the initial install. Could someone please let me know whether they have it on a normal FC4 install? I don't know whether it came as part of some software bundle, but I certainly haven't deliberately installed it, and the screenshots of it are not familiar to me.
I don't believe it is a default part of FC4 and it was not in my FC3, either.
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