Re: List Traffic

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James Kosin wrote:
Bob Chiodini wrote:

I noticing a very long delay in receiving list traffic, is something up?

It looks like a significant delay on  I
assume this is the message turnaround.  Seven+ hours seems a little
long, or am I missing something?

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Cool off a bit. The list is very busy. The email needs to gets sent to hundreds of addresses and it is not the only list being used on this server.
It's true the lists are busy, but usually the mail server and its
internet connexion are engineered to cope with the expected volumes.

However, sometimes something goes wrong: a while ago gmail was playing
games with Debian, causing enormous delays, countered in part while the
mess was sorted out, by running lots of extra senders.

Sometimes, it's as innocent as a new release of something giving rise to
extra traffic, and if the links were already near their limits, response
times can fall off very rapidly indeed. Consider a busy road; heavy
traffic, but moving well - until something goes wrong and a backlog
builds up.

In a similar vein, consider the mess in Queensland just now: a cyclone
flattened the bananas, and it will take two or three years to get them
back to normal, and waay longer still for the growers' bank accounts to
get back to normal.



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