Re: Date scripting

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Chris Norman wrote:

Hi people,
I need to check files to see how old they are.

How can I do this from within a backup script?

I need to see if they are over a month old, and if so delete them. How do I get they're last modified stamp please?

Chris Norman
<!-- chris.norman4@xxxxxxxxxxxx -->
Sounds like a job for the find command.  This

find . -mtime +30 -type f -exec rm {} \;

will delete anthing over 30 or more days old in the current directory and any of its subdirectories. The '.' is the current directory but you can use any valid path. The + before the 30 is needed otherwise only files modified exactly 30 days ago would be deleted. The -type f means only files (no directories).
Do a find . mtime +30 -type f -print to just get a list of the found files.

Hope this helps,

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