Re: where do i look to see if Fedora 4 supports 3com 3c920

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Greetings Randy,

Randy Paries wrote:
is there a list or somewhere that i can see if Fedora 4 has the
drivers for 3com 3c920 NIC cards?
Well there are no network cards supported by Fedora . The Kernel
provided that he has the appropriate module ( Driver in Windows
language )  supports network card . Under that context then go to
the source tree of the kernel that you use go to the /drivers/net
subdirectory and look there . Alternatively do a make menuconfig
on the kernel and go to the network device support . If you find
the card there , then it is supported .
Finally you will have to check the Hardware Compatibility list
for Fedora Core 4
The link below might be proved helpful :


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