Re: bittorrent slow

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>Shaw Cable in Canada provides Extreme Internet in a few of the major
>cities using Docsis modems.  This increases downloads by approx 2MB/s
>and increases the uploads a tad I believe.  Maybe when I get a job,
>I'll get it, first month is free!!
>I have bad luck w/ Bittorrent.  My friends seem to do okay.  I got
>good speeds on Quake4 demo, but nothing else.  I'll seed this FC5
>386 DVD to help out others out.  I have my uploads set to OC3 speeds
>but am only uploading at 20KB/s?  I can do 45-50 KB/s on ftp and ssh2
>transfers.  Any idea of how to improve speeds for uploading?
   Switch to Azureus, its fully customnizable in that regard, from the
   on the fly.

I emailed Shaw Cable. 20 is all I get for Bittorrent upload traffic, they also limit certain programs.

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