Re: FC5 Installation turned out to be a disaster

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Richard E Miles wrote:
I installed the FC5 release on Tuesday but I experienced a problem I have never
had with any redhat or fedora releases. The anaconda could not detect my vidio
graphics card. This is a nvidia geforce FX 5200 card. This card has been detected
on previous installs (FC4). Because of this I did not get a graphical install.
The install took 2 and a half hours (fresh install). As such no xorg.conf file
was produced. System-config-display aborted. Because of this I had no X window
capability. This is totally unexceptable. I had to go back and reinstall FC4.
I know fedora is a bleeding edge distribution but this is not accepted. I am
seriously thinking of switching distributions.

Go for it:-)

Seriously. If you want to avoid this kind of disaster, try Ubuntu or Kubuntu.

I run several distros including Debian (Sarge and Woody), SUSE 10, Ubuntu, Fedora 3 and WBEL 4.
Even if you don't like them (likely you will), it will only cost you 
time, and the education will be worth the time spent.
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