Re: FC4->FC5 upgrade installs

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Paul Howarth wrote:
On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 18:38 -0500, Jack Howarth wrote:
    Has anyone attempted an upgrade install of FC5 over an existing
FC4 installation yet? In particular I would be interested to hear
from folks with RAID-1 system drives. When I did an upgrade install
of FC4 over FC2, the upgrade worked well except all the RAID-1
partitions became degraded and I had to reattach the missing slices.
Thanks in advance for any info.
I'll be upgrading my home desktop in the next few days, which has 6
RAID-1 arrays:

/dev/md3               1011864    233024    727440  25% /
/dev/md4                101018     11686     84116  13% /boot
/dev/md2              20161084  14514604   4622344  76% /home
/dev/md0               5044064   3998084    789752  84% /usr
/dev/md1               1011864    400680    559784  42% /var
/dev/md5               1011864     26824    933640   3% /usr/local

We'll see how it goes.
All RAID arrays activated properly after upgrade:

/dev/md3               1011864    239980    720484  25% /
/dev/md4                101018      7818     87984   9% /boot
/dev/md2              20161084  14492484   4644464  76% /home
/dev/md0               5044064   4024356    763480  85% /usr
/dev/md1               1011864    401120    559344  42% /var
/dev/md5               1011864     26836    933628   3% /usr/local

Due to having less that 1GB of free space in /usr, I had to remove openoffice, do the upgrade and then reinstall openoffice. Other than that, no real problems.
Be sure to set aside a good chunk of time for the upgrade though - the 
process seems to take around twice as long as previous upgrades on the 
same hardware.

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