Re: Stumped on NetworkManager with FC5

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--- kevin.j.lisciotti@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've just done a clean install on an IBM T30 laptop
> using a Linksys WPC54G 
> v3 pcmcia card.
> I have installed the linksys driver using
> ndiswrapper and the module loads 
> correctly and the dmesg output is correct. I have
> also setup 
> NetworkManager to start automatically when logging
> into the desktop. The 
> problem I am having is that when I click on the NM
> applet I can choose 
> between wired/wireless and I can see all the WAP's
> around me including my 
> own, but when I try to connect to any wireless
> network I can't connect. I 
> have tried with encryption both on and off and it
> just fails.
> If I switch to the wired connection, instant netowrk
> connectivity. I'm 
> stumped as to why I can see all the wireless
> networks but not connect to 
> anything? I have everything configured with DHCP and
> noticed a DHCP bug 
> filed for NM. Could this be my problem?
> Obviously the card is working as it powers up
> correctly and can scan 
> wireless networks. Why can't I connect to any??
IDEAS??> -- 

Have you tried using the Network applet to connect to
a WAP or using iwconfig and dhclient to connect from

That would at least tell you if you can do it
manually.  Elimate those if it works. I belive NM uses
wireless-tools  to manage wlan.


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