Re: Unexplained network activity

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Mike McCarty wrote:

David J. Bakeman wrote:

Andy Green wrote:

David J. Bakeman wrote:

Since I upgraded to the latest FC4 kernel 2.6.15-1.1833_FC4 I've been seeing unexplained network activity in the gnome System Monitor 2.10.1 applet. Using ps (verified with rpm to not be corrupted) and netstat I can't explain the apparent activity. Is this an issue with the gnome applet? Do I have some virus that's using the network? Any ideas?

More details, ports, traffic, protocols.

Sorry I had some issues doing some upgrades today (the latest gnome-system-monitor is dependant on the latest gtop even though apt didn't seem to catch that).
Both ethereal and tcpdump show nothing when I think I'n doing nothing 
even though the gnome system monitor displays >60% usage(Both 
ethereal and tcpdump do show something when I'm reading email, 
accessing the web, etc)?  Who do I believe?

Umm, my GNOME system monitor doesn't show such activity. Maybe I've
got an older version. Mine only shows CPU/Process and memory.
From the about key:

System Monitor version 2.12.3
A system load monitor capable of displaying graphs for
CPU, ram, and swap space use, plus network traffic.


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