Re: yum update after FC5 install

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Gerry Tool wrote:
I did a yum update after install and received the following updates.

Updated: avahi.i386 0:0.6.9-8.FC5 avahi-glib.i386 0:0.6.9-8.FC5 lftp.i386 0:3.4.3-1 tcsh.i386 0:6.14-6.fc5.1 xorg-x11-server-Xorg.i386 0:1.0.1-9
After reboot, I got an error message from Power Manager.
This program cannot start until you start the dbus system service.
This is usually started by your operating system by default, and is
normally called messagebus.
It is strongly recommended you reboot your compter after starting

Checked in Service Configuration and messagebus is running. When I try
to restart it, it waits forever.
When I stop it, a dialog says it is stopped, but Service Configuration
still shows it checked and running.

The LAN did not start up either, and the host name is not known. Cannot
activate eth0.

The reboot was very fast, and I think some init scripts must have been
skipped.  I ended up doing a reinstall, and am now reluctant to do an

Has anyone else seen this, or has anyone successfully done a yum update
after a fresh FC5 install?


I've done a yum update on both an i386 laptop and x86_64 desktop on a fresh FC5 install with no problems of this sort.

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