Re: [FC5] First impression

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Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
On Mon, 2006-20-03 at 16:12 -0500, Patrick wrote:

After installation, I noticed certain things which saddened me ...

* When logging out of a graphical enviroment, I can't select the
option anymore which allows me to save "any active stuff" ("remember
settings"). So every time I log in now, I have to creat manually a
terminal window in desktop 4 because I'm used to it.

I think that's an indication of the corporate (re: big business)
interests/pressure on the Gnome project.  For large companies, letting
people save their session when they log out would add a butt load to
technical support.  People that don't understand the option might check
it off, and then wonder why all sorts of apps "magically" open on when
they log back in.
I've never understood the desire to have it, actually. I used Solaris
for something like 10 years, and always had to turn it back off after
"admin" did the latest/greatest "upgrade" (not GNOME, Mosaic, but
similar in concept). I kept a copy of my configuration in a directory
that the admins wouldn't touch (over on /usr/local, always loved the
way Solaris handled /usr/local), and would copy it back.

I'm not knocking Gnome since I really like it, and it's what I deploy
for my clients.  But, instead of getting rid of the save session option
completely, it would be much better if the option could be turned on/off
by an admin.*

Completely removing it is horrible.
I agree with this. I've never used it on my FC2 box, and probably never
will. But removing it isn't something I would do.

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