Re: NVIDIA drivers working yet?

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Andy Green wrote:
Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:

if you want to get your hands dirty :)

To install latest development kernels 2.6.16* :
Oho I thought 'hands dirty' was going to be patching the thing, I would 
rather wait, but in fact this is a link to a Dave Jones Special kernel 
package, definitely going to try it.
To install nvidia drivers:
Thanks for the pointers and the writeups.
Aha, back with normal resolution again.

I did use the nVidia binary installer, I don't recommend that anyone else does so, but if you do, you need to patch it with a patch from the nVidia forums, and as somebody pointed out a bit late for me :-) the modular xorg stuff has moved X's world to /usr/lib64/xorg on my box. You have to copy the nVidia files from /usr/X11R6/lib64 -> /usr/lib64/xorg and /usr/X11R6/lib64/modules/drivers -> /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers.
Or you can use the Livna RPM.  Apparently the nVidia installer as it is 
can crap up 3D, I don't use 3D so I continue to use The Old Way.

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