Can't Get Intel PRO/Wireless Card to work with FC5

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Hello All,

Can anyone tell me how to get my Intel Pro/Wireless card to work on FC5? I checked the IPW2200 mailing list and they believe that I should have everything I need for this to work already installed on my machine yet I am not able to get this to work.
Version of IPW2200 = git-1.0.4
Version of Firmware = 2.4

At the current state of my machine here are the steps that I have done.
1. installed liva rpm source
2. ran yum update ipw2200-firmware (to try and update the firmware)
result: Could not find update match for ipw2200-firmware, No Packages marked for Update/Obsoletion
3. ran dmesg
   result: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200/2915 Network Drive , git-1.0.8
           Copyright(c) 2003-2005 Intel Corporation
4. Ran iwconfig
   Result: lo: No wireless extensions
           eth0: No wireless extensions
           sit0: No wireless extensions
5. Ran system-config-network
   Under devices tab
      1. Clicked new
      2. Selected "Wireless Connection"
   `  3. Click forward
         Result: "Other Wireless Card" is the only selection in the device list.
      4. Selected Ethernet Connection"
      5. Click forward
Result: Intel Corporate PRO/Wireless 2915ABG MiniPCI Adapter(eth1), Broadcom Corporate BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (eth0) and Other Ethernet Card are listed in the device menu
Can anyone tell me what Im missing to be able to get this to work?

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