Re: Ssh keys problem

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Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 21 March 2006 14:41, Andy Green wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
ssh-agent is just an empty pocket until you give it your key and
passphrase with ssh-add.
That creates id_dsa - which was there before.  Is there some sort of
clean-up going on, so that it needs to be renewed?
What do you mean "creates id_dsa"?  ssh-add does not create
~/.ssh/id_dsa.  It may read it, that's all.
Identity added: /home/anne/.ssh/id_dsa (/home/anne/.ssh/id_dsa)
Well you're good to go then.  Every boot it seems an ssh-agent is 
started for you, which is half the battle, creating an empty pocket that 
everything can see how to talk to through the environment vars.
The other half is that once after boot you must do that ssh-add to get 
your default key in that pocket with the passphrase so it can give it to 
apps that ask for it.  After that you should be working.

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