Re: Ssh keys problem

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Anne Wilson wrote:

Warning - the authenticity of host 'borg ('... can't be established
RSA key fingerprint is ......
Are you sure you want to continue?

Permanently added 'borg' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

It's perfectly possible that, when I made a boo-boo on transfering some files from my home directory a couple of days ago, I could have overwritten something. In fact, I think that's the most likely reason. Question is, though, how do I go about troubleshooting this? Should I delete the .ssh directory on the remote box so that I have to start afresh there?
Put simply, borg was not in your clientside ~/.ssh/known_hosts.  When 
you said yes, it was added.  There's nothing to troubleshoot about that, 
from now on ssh connects to borg will be checked against the signature 
stored now in your known_hosts, silently unless borg's signature changes 
(because it is another machine trying to fake you out, or because you 
reinstalled the OS on borg, etc).
> urgent.  Yesterday I found that it was asking for the password for every
> transfer, and I'm sure it wasn't the day before. I've done one transfer this
> morning, and this is what happened:

When you run ssh-agent, it prints out some shell commands to set environment vars. You need to make sure that the environment you run ssh from has those vars in it, otherwise ssh cannot communicate with ssh-agent.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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