Re: livna for FC5 launched

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Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
Just in time with FC5 we are proud to announce support for
FC5 on x86, x86_64 and for the first time for ppc as well. Installation
instructions can as usually be found on the Configuration page at

Usually all that is needed to use livna is to run

rpm -ivh

After that you can start installing packages from livna via yum.
Together with this new release a debuginfo and a development repository
have been established as well. The repo-layout was slightly changed and
is now similar to the layout used in Extras and Core. To browse the FC5
repo start at:

A note for users of ati-fglrx and nvidia-glx: The drivers currently
don't work with the FC5 release kernel due to a bug in it. A updated
kernel that should fix this issue should be pushed as a regular Fedora
updated soon. Updated kernel modules probably will follow shortly after
that. Site note: The driver packages got renamed; they are now
xorg-x11-drv-fglrx and xorg-x11-drv-nvidia.

Another note: We now use the new standard for packaging kernel-modules
that was developed in fedora-extras. All kernel modules got renamed due
to that and the handling is a bit different, but in the end handling of
kernel-modules hopefully gets easier in the end.



P.S.: In case of problems file a bug at ; tia

I did an upgrade and needed to use rpm -Uvh instead of -ivh



I'll see you... on the dark side of the moon...
		-- Pink Floyd

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