Re: where to submit upgrade suggestions for "extras"?

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Robert P. J. Day wrote:
  where's the proper forum (bugzilla?) to suggest newer versions of
software to be added to repos like "extras?"  e.g., lua-5.1 has been
out for almost a month (, but "extras"
still contains only 5.0.2.
As a package maintainer in Extras myself, I would say that the right 
think to do would be to raise an RFE in Extras Bugzilla.
If you're really a bugzilla-phobe and want a simpler approach, you could 
try emailing the maintainer directly. A list of maintainers can be found at:

However, some maintainers might not be happy with (or might at least ignore) such mail, that really ought to be sent using bugzilla.

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