Re: fedora installation problems

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jim phelps wrote:
Im having problem installing FC4, maybe someone can

I have been using FC2 with no problems.
I installed FC4 from a set of CDs from
Installation went OK, no problems.

I prefer to boot to a text based 'console', then start
the X system and KDE using 'startx'. Ive managed to do
this on other systems, (RH7,RH9,FC2), by changing
initdefault in inittab from 5 to 3 (or 2 in FC4, there is no

When I attempt to return from KDE, however, instead of
returning to a normal console screen (black with white text),
the screen turns pink with a narrow green border! The keyboard
apparently still functions as I can type 'halt' and the
computer eventually halts even though no text is visable on
the screen. Once halted, I can reboot using CTRL-ALT-DEL,
and the black screen returns and everything appears normal.
I tried installing twice with the same results.
The install detected the monitor and graphics card correctly,
nothing special here (Matrox G200).
The Matrox and the Intel video chips were exposed to a problem brought 
out by the compiler. The problem was fixed with improvements to the 
compiler regarding optimization options given to the code.
Updating xorg-x11 should get X to work normally.

Has something changed between FC2 and FC4 to cause this

If I revert to the default graphical boot, I still have a problem
in that if I click on the 'shutdown' tab at the bottom of the
screen, the system shutsdown, but then immediatly reboots.
I want it to shutdown and HALT.

Make a launcher for your desktop where you put poweroff as the command, 
which calls halt on your desktop. If you want to select an ICON you 
prefer, you can do so and then drag the desktop ICON to your panel when 
you are satisfied with the launcher.
I don't recall a shutdown available when logging out using runlevel 3 
and startx. The option was removed from GNOME itself unless you logged 
in using GDM.
Thanks for any help,

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