Re: Fedora Core 4 On mini mac

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On 2006.3.17, at 03:47 AM, beartooth wrote:

On Fri, 12 Aug 2005 15:53:31 +0100, Hill, Richard D wrote:

(sorry if this is the wrong place to post this)
Not the wrong place, but the wrong way : if you *have* to reply to a
digest (not that you had to this time), for Net's sake edit out the
irrelevant parts! And control your line length; it makes your post much
more readable -- as below. (It would also help to use punctuation.)
Was this another case of "digest" in the subject line?

I sure didn't see this thread until now.

For days I have been trying to install Fedora core 4 (ppc) on my Mini
Mac I have repartitioned destroyed partitions etc and every time it
errors with ignore or cancel messages about partition blocks I can press ignore and go on but it generally bombs out when it comes to the actual formatting of the new partitions I've defined and the copy of files part , on one occasion it seemed to actually install but on reboot it failed
to load kernel image There is nothing wrong with the hdd I have no
issues at all installing tiger back on the Mini Mac , but do what I will it actively refuses to have anything to do with Fedora. Has anyone else
experienced this problem ?
Yeah. I gave up the first time. That box is currently dual booting 
openbsd and Mac OS X.
Not that problem, but a similar one -- I tried to replace YellowDog on an
iBook with FC4.ppc. There was some discussion here -- not much, iirc --
and more on gmane.linux.yellowdog.general. The conclusion which people far more knowledgeable than I seemed to be inclining to was that there may be something wrong with the ISOs on RedHat's server. (I presume that's where
you got them, right? You didn't say.)
The ISO is mucked up. When you see signature errors, you know it's 
I'd try building from source, but I've got other things to do with my 
time these days.
If so, RedHat will have to fix them; I don't know enough to be able to
file a useful bug report. So I'll just go on getting along with YDL till I hear that the ISOs have been fixed, or at least that someone has succeeded
somehow with an FC4.ppc installation.

If perchance you're mainly trying to get away from OSX, take a look at
YDL; it's at, installs very easily and isn't half
bad. My reason to switch is just that all our other machines are PCs, and
I'd rather have one less OS to keep up with.
The only complaint I have about YDL is that they tend to stay a little 
behind FC. But my FC box here at home is currently still at FC3, so 
that's really not a big deal. Well, the other thing about YDL is that 
they seem to not want casual users to be able to find their distro 
(which is another reason I went with openbsd on that box for now).
Initial reaction to not wanting to limit the number of OSses to track, 
Mac OS X is one of the Unix family. Then I thought a moment about 
/Library and /Users and how the early versions had the users all 
belonging to group staff, and I decided that it could well be 
strategic. heh.

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