On 2006.3.13, at 10:26 PM, Anne Wilson wrote:
On Monday 13 March 2006 11:55, Dan Track wrote:
Thanks everyone for your replies. Appreciate the effort.
My penny's worth.
I suggest banning the domain. This may sound harsh, but as the FAQ on
this matter explains, people who subscribe to them must know that they
are losing emails, so I don't believe a real tech person would
knowingly subscribe to them. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be
You are wrong there. This anti-spam business is a 'service' of the
Not all people who use the domain subscribe to this 'service',
therefore the
innocent would be punished.
I suspect, as others have also, that the service in question has
exactly one user, and that user thinks he is not concerned that it
causes list members problems, quite on the contrary, thinks he would be
more concerned if the problems fail to persist.
mysteries to ponder:
what would a misconfigured knock-address server do if it received a
knock from itself?