Hey lads,
I need to ask some help of you... here's my dilemma:
I wanted to install the TuxRacer game, so i downloaded the .tar.gz file, and unpacked... on running ./configure though, i got the following message:
configure: error: Your copy of glx.h is out of date. You can get a more recent copy from the latest Mesa distribution (
So, I strolled over to mesa3d and downloaded their latest installed library pack... then when trying to install it by make install, i got:
mkdir ${INCLUDE_DIR}
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/include': File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/include/GL': File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/include/GLES': File exists
mkdir ${LIB_DIR}
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/lib': File exists
cp -f ${TOP}/include/GL/*.h ${INCLUDE_DIR}/GL
cp -f ${TOP}/src/glw/*.h ${INCLUDE_DIR}/GL
# NOT YET: cp -f ${TOP}/include/GLES/*.h ${INCLUDE_DIR}/GLES
cp ${CP_FLAGS} ${TOP}/lib*/lib* ${LIB_DIR}
echo "Done."
Now, when i try and install tuxracer, i get the same message of the out-dated glx header... so, i don't really know what to do...
A. Helmy