Installed FC5 T3 and noted some problems (of course...) + Choosing a FULL installation, i.e. going beyond the defaults and chosing ALL of the installation apps manually (note: there is no "Everything" selection anymore.... sigh....) apparently caused the installation process to abruptly stop somewhere in the middle of installation disc #4 of 5 + Re-installed FC5 T3 from scratch again, and choosing only the defaults (i.e. the checkboxes given in the list only and do not select Customization Now radio button) successfully installed FC5, T3 - so I guess that is good. + When rebooting and expecting to setup the the configuration of the newly installed FC5, T3 - some other issues of note apppears: - udev appears to hold for a long time (1 - 2 minutes) before moving on - Blackscreen appears for a bit longer than normal: 45s - 1 minute - X windows finally starts up in 640 x 480 (or is it 800 x 600?) but then an error appears switching back into console mode due to: - Hardware check: /etc/rc5.d/S05Kudzu line 23: 1608 Segmentation Fault /sbin./kudzu $ARGS - CUPS: takes a long time: 150 seconds before moving on. X windows Setup now appears: - NTP takes a long time to locate the NTP servers before allowing swtiching to the next configuration page. Cannot tell if at setup time if NTP queries are actually being done, if it is able to get out of firewall security. I added some of my own ntp ip addresses and got the same results. So I am not sure what is happening here. Setup configuration completed. Login in as a normal user Everything appears to be normal - quite snazzy! Problems: - Cannot update the software - Software update tool fails - Cannot add/remove software for the system - tool fails - Cannot locate xterm so that I could see if I can manually execute YUM So -- how can I startup an xterm so that I can update FC5 T3 with the latest updates? Kind regards, Dan