Hello, list I need to just compile a module (ipaq) with a few mods, and when I "make", I keep getting this error. I checked all directories, all devel packages are correctly installed, and I cannot find the problem. Its FC4 with kernel 2.6.15-1.1833, x86-64 running on AMD Athlon 64. Here's the Makefile (as published on SourceForge.net, project SynCE): ifeq ($(KERNELRELEASE),) LINUX_SOURCE_PATH := /usr/src/linux-2.6.15 KERNEL_BUILD_DIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build/ USB_SERIAL_SOURCE_DIR := $(LINUX_SOURCE_PATH)/drivers/usb/serial VERSION = PWD := $(shell pwd) PATCHED := .patched FILES := usb-serial.h ipaq.h ipaq.c default: $(LINUX_SOURCE_PATH) $(USB_SERIAL_SOURCE_DIR) $(FILES) $(PATCHED) $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules all: default $(LINUX_SOURCE_PATH) $(USB_SERIAL_SOURCE_DIR): @echo "Can't find directory $@" @echo "Edit $(PWD)/Makefile and provide the correct path to the Linux source tree." @false usb-serial.h: $(USB_SERIAL_SOURCE_DIR)/usb-serial.h ln -sf $< $@ ipaq.h: ipaq.h-$(VERSION) ln -sf $< $@ ipaq.c: $(PATCHED) $(PATCHED): ipaq.c-$(VERSION) cp -p $^ ipaq.c patch -N -p0 < ipaq-select-endpoints.diff patch -N -p0 < ipaq-version.diff patch -N -p4 < ipaq-psion-teklogix.diff patch -N -p4 < ipaq-smartphones.diff touch $(PATCHED) install: ipaq.ko install -m 644 $< /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/serial clean: rm -rf $(FILES) $(PATCHED) .tmp_versions *.mod.c *.orig *.o *.ko .*cmd else obj-m := ipaq.o endif I will appreciate any ideas or suggestions. Thanks in advance, -- Mariano López Reta Tortuguitas, Buenos Aires República Argentina