Ian Malone wrote:
On 3/3/06, Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
John Summerfied wrote:
Les Mikesell wrote:
They were probably created under windows and transferred over
with carriage-return, line-feed endings intact. If you
load them into vim, type :set fileformat=unix and save
again it should fix them. Or use the dos2unix program.
Any more ways to change this light bulb?
How about:
sed -i -e 's/\r//' script
For a straight dos2unix job, there should only be a single
carriage-return character on each line, so the "g" flag shouldn't be
necessary. However, it would probably be safer to use it in case there
were other carriage returns in the file.
Better still, anchor the replacement to the end of the line so as to
leave other carriage return characters (which might be needed by the
script) intact:
sed -i -e 's/\r$//' script