I think you'd first: # pvmove /dev/target_ide_disk ( ex. hdb) # vgreduce target_VG_name /dev/target_ide_disk Then: Halt the host, reconnect the physical ide_disk to the another ide channel.(ex. hdd) # vgextend target_VG_name /dev/hdd (the ide device name after reconnected) # vgdisplay -C target_VG_name ;-p LU On Wed, 1 Mar 2006 16:43:48 -0800 "Monkey Pet" <monkeypet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I have fc4 and moved my hd from one ide chain to another. However, when I did so, the lvm2 volumes weren't being mapped properly. After a second reboot, things mapped fine. Anyone know how I can force lvm2 to rescan (without rebooting) in this situation? Thanks.