On 2/27/06, John Summerfied <debian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Deboo ^ wrote:
> How to use proxy authentication with lynx/links/elinks? I have googled a lot
> about this but couldn't find a eral solution. Putting "export HTTP_PROXY=
> user:password@proxy:port in.bashrc doesn't seem to work. I get an access
> denied page. Is there no solution to this? Do we need to use X apps only to
> use a proxy?
man lynx
set authorization ID and password for a protected proxy server at
startup. Be sure to protect any script files which use this switch.
I used the -p auth=ID:PASSWORD (replacing the words with my real proxy username/pass) but still lynx says "Making connection to google.com or whatever site I try for. What could be the problem?
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