Anne Wilson wrote:
On Friday 24 February 2006 02:29, Louis E Garcia II wrote:
I am trying to share a directory in FC4. readable and writable to everyone.
The directory is /data/public : 2777 root:root. It is an ext3 partition.
This is my smb.conf:
workgroup = HOMENETWORK
netbios name = server
server string = Samba Server
security = SHARE
guest account = guest
hosts allow =,
hosts deny =
comment = Public Stuff
path = /data/public
read only = No
guest ok - Yes
I am able to browse the server but when I open the share public I get an
error that the directory doesn't exist.
The /data directory is a ext3 partition. I am able to share a directory in
the / partition with no problems.
I am stumped. --Louis
Thre may be some connection with a similar problem that I have. I get the
same 'does not exist' message when I try to access 'homes'. I do have a
public directory underneath my /home on the server, and I can access that,
then go up a level to the /home/anne that should have been available as
Is the username you are using on the client the same as the one on the
server? If not, you might try mapping them in /etc/samba/smbusers, e.g.:
server-username = client-username
anne = anne-wilson
with an appropriate "username map = /etc/samba/smbusers" directive in
smb.conf of course.