Robinson Tiemuqinke wrote:
I'm playing with FC4 toy now and have a stupid
question: normally any two different packages can not
share a regular file otherwise there will be a
confliction, but why these two packages
xorg-x11-libs.x86_64 and xorg-x11-libs.i386 can have
same files?
It is certainly possible for 2 packages to share the same file(s), but
it's tricky, and, in general, is easier to simply avoid if possible.
Off the top of my head, I know of at least 2 ways for multiple packages
to "share" ownership of the same file:
1. If the specfile marked the file with the %ghost attribute
2. If the "shared" file in question is exactly the same(*) in both
(*) Exactly the same -> identical contents, timestamp, checksums