since (as i understand it) i need to rebuild pine from the source to add support for SMTP authentication, i grabbed the source rpm: pine-4.64-1.rf.src.rpm from and just did the basic "rmpmbuild --rebuild" as a quick test to see if it would build out of the box, but what i got was: ... cc -E -DGPG -DUSE_MKTEMP -DUSE_NSE_FIX pinegpg.c | /bin/grep -v "^# .* .*" > pinegpg pinegpg.c:1:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #! chmod 755 pinegpg + exit 0 for the simple reason that the file pinegpg.c is not a C source file, but a shell script. how odd. am i the first person to trip over this? i find that hard to believe. rday