Hi, I have this board with the nforce 430/GeForce 6150 chipset and only one SATA-II disk, regularly seen from BIOS. 1) When I boot from the first CD of Fedora Core 4 x86_64 I get: initial text screen (the one where you can give boot options) displayed perfectly. all following screen (do or skip mediacheck, etc...) all messed up. By this I mean (text) image is very stable, but every 2/3 lines of characters the columns are shifted, so I see a bunch of disaligned blue or red rectangles. after two minutes a stable line of white text on black background saying "anaconda is starting", then black screen. What can it be? Broken ISO? I did check the checksum before burning. Also, if I boot with FC4 32 bit disc 1 everything on screen is fine. It just doesn't see the SATA drive, which leds me to the second question 2) How do I install Linux on this chipset if there is only one SATA drive? I need a driver, nv_sata, right? how must I use it? Where is it explained in detail how to proceed? TIA, D. (I *have* also asked on the nVidia Linux forum, but it wouldn't be the first time that Fedora/Linux answers come much faster here than there...