Hello, In my /etc/hosts.allow file I have the entry: sshd : 141.163. : severity daemon.warning : ALLOW In the /etc/syslog.conf file I have the entry: daemon.notice /var/log/daemon However, when I access sshd from somewhere in 141.163 nothing gets logged to /var/log/daemon. I have a similar entry for the Exim MTA, and again nothing gets logged. If I change the above ALLOW to a DENY then I get rejected by sshd and an entry gets logged in the file. If I remove the ALLOW entry completely and put the DENY in the /etc/hosts.deny file then I get the rejected attempts logged. If I move the ALLOW entry into the hosts.deny file then still nothing gets logged. It seems that 'denies' get logged but 'allow' conditions do not. Anyone any ideas about this? I've noticed the same behaviour under RHEL4. Thanks, John. -- --------------------------------------------------------------- John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914 E-mail: John.Horne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fax: +44 (0)1752 233839