List, I am trying to connect an iPAQ using bluetooth to an FC4 unit. I can run hciconfig and get recognition of the usb bluetooth dongle. When I run "hcitool scan" I do not see the iPAQ. I can recognize the Linux system from the iPAQ, but I can not get the iPAQ to bond to Fedora. I have modified the hcdi.conf file as follows: pin_helper /usr/bin/bluepin; was uncommmented I am getting an error in the message log when the iPAQ tries to bond: Jan 22 21:47:18 dev hcid[4717]: pin_code_request (sba=00:0B:0D:08:DE:18, dba=00:02:C7:18:DD:5A) Jan 22 21:47:18 dev hcid[5396]: PIN helper exited abnormally with code 256 I googled on the error code and found a post that advised the use of a replacement script for /usr/bin/bluepin as: --------------------------- #!/bin/bash PIN=`cat /etc/bluetooth/pin` echo PIN:$PIN --------------------------- Using the replacement causes hcid to look at itself for the pin and certainly resolved the log entry, but did not resolve the error. I still am unable to connect. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Greg Ennis