Patrick wrote:
Hi all,
Did some googling but mostly found laptop related WiFi posts and info.
Anyone know (where to find a list of) WiFi PCI cards for in a normal PC
that are compatible out of the box with FC4 and Hostap (preferrably non
ndiswrapper and linuxant)?
I don't know that a current list exists.
I download the windows drivers and inspect the package to see what's
inside the package; it tells me what chipset's used.
I have two prism54-based cards, those work well.
My laptop has Atheros inside; that's fine and SUSE & Ubuntu support it
out of the box; on FC you might need to build a driver, but it's not
hard if you are into that sort of thing.
TI and Broadcom I avoid.
D-link labels some of its products to tell you what's inside; it uses
both TI and Atheros,
I researched some TP-Links cards yesterday, the ones I found have Atheros.
Sometimes the packaging can give clues, some of the terms used are (I
think) trademarks, so if you find two brands of card using the same
funny capitilsation or made-up words they likely use the same chipset.
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