Re: / (root) partition full

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--- "Gordon R. Keehn" <gordonkeehn@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi, Anyone
>     Before we left for the Christmas holiday, I
> powered down my FC4 box. 
>   (My wife is paranoid that way.)  KDiskFree showed
> my root partition a 
> bit over 50% full.  Within hours of starting it up
> again a few days ago, 
> it was pushing 100%, and I haven't been able to find
> the culprit.  The 
> file system is reiserfs (I installed FC4 over an old
> SuSE distro), if 
> that makes a difference.  Has anyone run into this? 
> Is there a tool I 
> can use to report the space occupied by each folder,
> to try to identify 
> the cause?  I've deleted some old stuff from /var
> and /tmp, but that 
> only recovered about 350 mB;  I'm still missing some
> 5 gig.
>     Cheers,
> Gordon Keehn
> -- 
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> fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
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Maybe you want something like this:
>find / -type f -exec du '{}' ';' | sort -n -r -k1,1 |

The top files are the biggest ones. Look there and
find what files takes the most space on your hard


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