>I think you are confused. What people refer to as Eclipse is made up of >a set of plugins (or "bundles" if you prefer). What is known as the >Eclipse SDK is what we ship, split up into logical plugin and feature >sets. We also package the CDT, PyDev, and a few other plugins >(changelog and bugzilla). > Problem here is that when one wants to install a 'feature', then in most cases these are installed in the features and plugins folders, and other places - so what is not clear - is if there is any "dangers" in doing this - in cases where it *might be possible* to overlay the files that are FCX ports. >We have never shipped any J2EE tools (on Fedora). Judging from your >previous mails, you are attempting to use the Web Tools Project (WTP). >Since this is not yet packaged for Fedora, the best way to install it is >using Eclipse's built-in update manager. I think this is what you have >done. Yes, I know that you do not ship J2EE with the FC port - as with other features of Eclipse - and BTW, as far as I can tell - WST does not install from the Eclipse Updates unless you add a reference there - so you can do a manual install as explained above. > >I personally don't have time to test the many plugins out there and I >would appreciate your feedback about WTP and others. Please let us know >if there are issues that you find and report them at >http://bugzilla.redhat.com. Yes, I have obviously complained and I am not the only one clearly, but probably a loud grumbler than most. Some have cussed me out - but I am sure you understand that I am doing my bit of 'reporting' but hopefully with something of value to you/fedora. Will you/redhat-buzilla be the front-end for all Eclipse-FC4 issues if we submit a bug there? Should we report Eclipse errors in the Eclipse bugzilla instead? Perhaps you can clarify this? As for the Eclipse-FC4 - perhaps you can reduce the confusion by posting the differences between Eclipse stock and FC port and maybe explain the Do's and Don'ts when attempting to install stuff from the Eclipse project files? Is there a reference to this anywhere? I submitted my bugs (sort of) regarding issues with the J2EE and Tomcat to the Eclipse.org bugzilla - since I was able to prove to myself that a stock Eclipse installed in /usr/local had the same problem - so it seems that the Eclipse-FC4 port has nothing do do with this specific error (of getting Tomcat/whatever) OR that there are some needed tweaks such as recognizing differences in permission and/or filestructure differences between linux and Windows environment. Apparently - it appears to me that there is a problem of eclipse tomcat plugins in finding the apache configuration files and building proper constructs in the proper places in order for Tomcat/??? to use before lanuching the web-server. There is bugs galore in the Eclipse.org regarding Tomcat / WST on Linux. The most recent update (I believe taken from jpackage) blew my eclipse out of the water - such that I could not launch eclipse via the icons (KDE/Gnome) and the error from this was saying something to the effect that it (the /usr/bin/eclipse) program was unable to locate the startup.jar file But doing a /usr/share/eclipse/eclipse manually started the eclipse program, but then there was other errors logged in the user's home .eclipse directory of which I do not recall. Sorry. It is not clear if FC has its own update pathway as opposed to jpackage update pathway - so perhaps some clarification is needed. Anyway, to recover from a corrupted eclipse, I did the following: 1) yum groupremove eclipse 2) rm -fr /usr/share/eclipse (because I manually installed WST there) 3) yum groupinstall eclipse 4) yum update Note, that my yum.repos.d has jpackage stuff Also note that the groupremove, groupinstall is not even in the manpages for yum. This information was given to me by a fellow on this newsgroup (thanks!) This seems to be the only way to get the un/installation of eclipse to work right. Geez. I also wanted to point out something curious - I note that if I used the Eclipse update facility - as a non-root user - it *appears* to work but the minute that I become a *differet user* or a root user - it appears as if the update is not there - or accessable - and for the fun of it - I did an Eclipse update again, as root, - it went through the WHOLE UPDATE INSTALLATION again to completion. So - once that was done, going to Help->Manage Configuration reveals duplicate entries - which I suspect one is of "root" permission and the other is of "non-root" user. Dunno - I did not persue the reasons for this problem but thought you ought to know. Anyway - all the testing I did eventually turned the eclipse installation to mush - which is why I had to figure out how to strip the eclipse-fc4 installation and return to virgin eclipse-fc4 installation. FYI: 1) FC4 w/ all the updates, kernel 2.6.14-1.1656 2) Pentium III platform (i686, i686, i386) 3) Java v1.50-05 If I encounter anything else I will squawk and you can come to the rescue ;-) Thats all for now. Dan -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.16/225 - Release Date: 1/9/2006